Parenting challenge : Difficult extended family
The intent of this post is not to rant. I write this because I have observed that teaching children the values you intend to teach is truly challenging in closely knit families. Do share your experiences/comments if you feel it helps a healthy discussion We have, what i would say a closely knit extended family. That means technically, we are not joint family, we do not tay in the same house; but every festival, birthday, special occasion is spent together. The scene where i am trying to prevent my child from doing a certain thing, and close relatives intervening to state the otherwise can be quite common during family get togethers. For example, during a meal, my son has had good amount of sweets and fried items, and i tell him that he must now have some rice. I would have a bunch of people who would say to me right there, "oh comeon, let him eat what he wants to". I need not tell how a 5 year old can start reacting to instructions after that. This is of course just an...